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' Sheryl Sandberg 'Dijumpai 3 Produk Berkaitan
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Oleh 雪柔·桑德伯格
《時代》雜誌最有影響力人物、《富比世》雜誌最具影響力女性 Facebook營運長雪柔‧桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)引爆全球熱議著作   ★英美日法中5國Amazon.com暢銷排行榜Top 1   ★《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜Top 1   ★TED演講吸引330萬人觀看   ★出版4個月,歐美銷售超過45萬冊、售出30國語言版權   ★《時代》雜誌、《財星》雜誌、《富比世》雜誌、《紐 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM55.45

SEKARANG: RM 55.45 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 49.91 (-10%)

Oleh 亞當·格蘭特 , 雪柔·桑德伯格
面對人生無法避免的失去與傷痛 我們仍可以鍛鍊韌性,重新發現幸福   ★紐約時報暢銷榜Top 1   ★亞馬遜2017年度好書/分類暢榜Top 1   Facebook臉書營運長雪柔.桑德伯格Sheryl Sandberg   與華頓商學院教授亞當.格蘭特Adam Grant跨界鉅作   我們都會面對失去,   失去工作、情感、家庭、健康、甚至失去生命。   悲劇或挫敗,總會發生。問 Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM61.60

SEKARANG: RM 61.60 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 55.44 (-10%)

Oleh Sheryl Sandberg , Adam Grant
From Facebook's COO and Wharton's top-rated professor, the #1 New York Times best-selling authors of Lean In and Originals: a powerful, inspiring, and practical book about building resilience and moving forward after life's inevitable setbacks. After the sudden death of her husband, Sheryl Sandberg felt certain that she and her children would never feel pure joy again. "I was in `the void,'" she writes, "a vast emptiness that fills your heart and lungs and restricts your a Maklumat lanjut
ASAL: RM79.90

SEKARANG: RM 79.90 (-0%)

AHLI: RM 71.91 (-10%)

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